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We Can Help Defend Against Firearms Charges

At Spellman Law, P.C., we are avid gun rights supporters who advocate for our clients’ rights to legally carry a firearm. We defend clients against state and federal firearms charges. When you have been charged with a state or federal firearms charge, you need experienced representation.

Our attorneys are well-versed in gun control laws and understand when your rights are being violated or a legitimate charge is alleged. We can help identify a strategy for an effective defense to any weapons charge.

In Iowa, Firearms Charges Are Often Charged With Other Crimes

Weapons charges are often brought at the same time and are often incident to, other criminal charges, including:

Many of the firearms charges require a strong defense against illegal search and seizure of your property. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the unlawful search and seizure of your property and law enforcement has to follow the proper procedure to legally obtain evidence against you.

If you are legally in possession of a firearm, then you may have a challenge to any firearms charges brought against you. Gun crimes may be charged even if you are legally possessing a weapon and if you are charged with using in a manner inconsistent with your permit.

Contact Our West Des Moines Office Today

We can schedule a free, confidential initial consultation with you right away with one of our experienced lawyers. Call our office at 515-303-0885 or send us an email to find out more information. We represent clients throughout central Iowa and are available 24/7.